ANet Assessments
Frequently Asked Questions–ANet Assessments
If we give educators the resources they need to meet the evolving education landscape, we can rise to this moment of change. Assessments are the way to do it—if we honor and reexamine their purpose and their power.
- General Assessment Questions General Assessment Questions
- Which Curricula Does ANet Interims Support? Which Curricula Does ANet Interims Support?
- Math & ELA Curriculum Assessment Support Math & ELA Curriculum Assessment Support
ANET Assessment FAQ
ANet Assessment Questions
We believe in formative, flexible, reflective assessments that give teachers actionable, real-time data. Explore commonly asked questions about our ANet assessments as you consider using our products and services.
The data generated from ANet assessments are intended to help inform classroom level decisions.
- Teachers can use the actual assessments materials themselves - like the schedule of assessed standards (SAS) and assessment forms - to inform their planning ahead of instruction.
- The data from the assessments can help illuminate where students are successful or are still developing understanding of grade-level concepts in an independent setting.
- Reviewing distractors and student work can support more specific conclusions on where misconceptions are stemming from. Data can also be examined to reflect on how best to support ALL students to reach grade level expectations.
- Conclusions on what to do next in instruction can be especially powerful when paired with other formative information, like how students have done in curriculum-embedded assessments or daily checks for understanding.
Interims are a good complement to MAP. NWEA MAP is designed to show growth and predict student outcomes. Interims help teachers change student outcomes.
- MAP does not allow teachers to see the questions each student received, what their response to a specific question is, and their thinking as they worked on the problem. ANet interims are designed to reveal the specific understandings and misconceptions that students have so that teachers can address them.
- ANet interims are designed from the relevant rigorous standards. MAP is not standards-based. MAP tells you if a student is at grade level, and high level trends, but it does not give you insight into the specific skills and misconceptions that are holding students back. Understanding the specific standards where students need support allows teachers to anticipate challenges in upcoming lessons, and think about how to scaffold in foundational skills that might need extra support.
- MAP is not aligned to the curriculum, so it will not reflect what teachers have recently taught. ANet interims are designed to be compatible with the curriculum and reflect what teachers have recently taught.
- MAP can often be very time consuming because it tests students on a large body of content, including things teachers haven’t taught yet. This wastes time, distracts educators, and frustrates students.
ANet interims would replace iReady if you want to have your assessments and curriculum aligned and in the same platform. That’s more convenient for your teachers, and it enables them to take better action because everything is in one place. It’s also more convenient for administrators because it simplifies procurement and platform management.
- ANet interims are compatible to your curriculum, iReady is not. The most important thing an interim assessment can do is tell you if students have learned the content you recently taught. Because it’s not aligned to your curriculum, iReady can’t do that as well as ANet’s assessments.
- ANet assessments reflect the breadth and depth of each standard as it was covered in the curriculum. iReady assessments use the same number of questions to address each standard, which means they can miss critical elements of the standard.
While our assessments were designed to support teachers ability to take action from assessment results, we can also provide important information to school and system leaders:
- Focus on equity by disaggregating assessment data by school/cluster or by student groups. System leaders may have groups they would like to focus on to ensure the needed supports are in place for students.
- Understanding curriculum implementation by reviewing the data by standards in relation to what was taught. Identify outliers in the data that invite you to investigate how instructional practices relate to the curriculum.
- Look at standards data for key insights and trends supported by the data. For example: The literacy screener data indicates that our K-2 students may need stronger foundational skills instruction -or- Interim data from 7th grade math classrooms indicates that students may not be spending enough time on major work of the grade level.
Great question! We know that fewer, better assessments that provide actionable, real-time data and empower students and educators is a key to student achievement. We help educators create an ideal assessment suite through two different ways.
- Our Assessment Strategy work gives our expert coaches the opportunity to work alongside your educational leaders to audit your existing assessments. This process gleans how many assessments your students are taking, what are their purposes, and how often they are administered to ensure your assessments align with your instructional goals.
- Our Interim Assessment is our leading instructional product that includes standards-based questions designed to measure students' learning throughout the school year. Combined with myANet, our data and resource hub, ANet interim assessments give educators the right tool to impact students.
ANet offers Spanish Language Arts (SLA) assessments in grades 2-5. SLA assessments are developed with authentic Spanish texts and reflect ANet assessment design principles. In addition to the assessments themselves, ANet also provides text features guides, which provide details on all assessment texts and their qualitative complexity; analysis guides in English to support teachers reviewing student work for writing items; and reports for SLA assessments in myANet.
Our team of experts continue to ensure our online assessment platform is accessible to all students and has the tools in place to make the necessary student accommodations. Existing accommodations include:
- ELA and Math Text-to-Speech - The text-to-speech function gives students the ability to hear the text of the online assessments read to them, using a tool in the Online Assessment Platform. A student will only have the text-to-speech toolbar available on their assessment if text-to-speech has been enabled for that student on the ‘Students’ tab.
- Math Language Translation - This tool provides students with a direct Spanish translation of individual words when students hover their mouse over those words in the Online Assessment Platform.
- OpenDyslexic Font Plugin for Chrome - Enabling the OpenDyslexic extension on Chrome, overrides all fonts on webpages with the OpenDyslexic font, a typeface designed against some common symptoms of dyslexia, by adding heavy weighted bottoms to aid in recognizing letters.
Curriculum Support
Which Curricula do ANet Interims Support?
Our instructional product features standards-aligned, culturally relevant item questions synced with our innovative resource and data tool, myANet. Click to explore just a few of the high-quality curriculums our assessments can support.
Kendall Hunt Illustrative Math
Together, ANet interims and Kendall Hunt IM's assessments can help teachers adapt instruction in response to both recently taught material and material retained over a longer period of time.
Wit & Wisdom ELA
ANet interims with the Wit & Wisdom curriculum-embedded assessments can give teachers across a spectrum of experience an efficient and easy way to gauge student performance.
Eureka Math Squared
ANet interim assessments are compatible with Eureka Math Squared sequencing, and provide educators data and reports based on students learning.
ANet offers interims in grades 2-8 that are compatible and complementary to the curricular units in terms of the sequence of passage genres and writing standards over the year for both components of HMH ELA, Into Reading for grades K-6 and Into Literature for grades 7-12.
Desmos Math 6 - A1
ANet offers interims in Grade 6 through Algebra I that are closely aligned to the sequencing of the Desmos Math 6 - A1 curriculum.
Savvas ELA
ANet interims provide an additional opportunity for students to practice reading comprehension on topics that they may not be familiar with; this is what is expected of them in not only summatives, but more importantly, in life.
EngageNY/Eureka Math
ANet's reporting gives educators using EngageNY/Eureka Math insights into student response patterns.
Core Knowledge (CKLA) ELA
ANet interims help create a more holistic view of where your students are at with an efficient and objective pulse on student proficiency.
enVisions Math
ANet interims can help teachers adapt instruction in response to both recently taught material and material retained over a longer period of time.
American Reading Company (ARC) ELA
As seen in the pre/mid/post assessment in each unit, the key question is similar across grades. These questions remain the same within the entire unit, which does not adequately distinguish the demands of each grade level's standards and do not offer a breadth of coverage of the standards.
k12 Curriculum Support
Math & ELA Curriculum Assessment Support
The Achievement Network coaches and instructional products enhance your high-quality curriculum, helping educators monitor student progress with actionable data.
Teachers and school leaders need actionable data that clearly shows what each student, class, and grade has learned and can demonstrate relative to what has been taught, and where there are still areas to address. ANet curriculum-compatible interim assessments are designed to make teaching easier by helping you see your students more clearly by illuminating trends in individual, class and grade-level learning. Our assessments complement the curricula’s existing daily and unit-level assessments to provide every educator with a comprehensive opportunity to check student progress toward mastery of the major work of their grade.
Read more here -
Our instructional product features standards-aligned, culturally relevant item questions synced with our innovative resource and data tool, myANet. ANet interim assessments can support a majority of high-quality curricula, including but not limited to:
- Kendall Hunt Illustrative Math
- enVisions Math
- EngageNY/Eureka Math
- Eureka Math2
- Desmos Math 6-A1 (Formally Amplify)
Our instructional product features standards-aligned, culturally relevant item questions synced with our innovative resource and data tool, myANet. ANet interim assessments can support a majority of high-quality curricula, including but not limited to:
- Wit & Wisdom ELA
- Savvas ELA
- Core Knowledge (CKLA) ELA
- American Reading Company (ARC) ELA
ANet interims can be administered online and offer automatic scoring and rolled-up data reports, grounded in student response patterns and connected to specific content-based misconceptions, which sets teachers up to take action from the data.
Learn More about our Data Meeting Reports
ANet interims offer distractor rationales that are integrated with our data reports. This enables teachers to see student response patterns and to focus on understanding student thinking by anchoring on the source of errors rather than their existence and to plan effective next steps. -
We get it – dealing with tons of assessments can be a real challenge. ANet interims team up seamlessly with a top-notch math curriculum, even if your curriculum already has its own embedded assessments. When you combine ANet interims with your math curriculum, you help teachers adapt their teaching in real-time based on both recently covered topics and stuff students have learned over time. Since ANet interims closely align with standards and cover material from various units, they serve as a wonderful tool for showing if students are on track for the year's end goals. Plus, they help teachers make any tweaks to their teaching throughout the school year.
And guess what? We're all about making sure your students aren't drowning in assessments. ANet can team up with you to create a smooth and purposeful assessment system that aligns with your vision for instruction. Our coaches are always ready to help leaders and teachers figure out which embedded assessments to prioritize when using ANet interims. We're all about making sure these assessments don't add more stress and actually help you make the most out of every bit of data you gather. -
That's totally fair, and there is a lot of value in that--for example, having students practice with homework and in the classroom with language and models that are similar to those used in instruction helps students internalize their learning. At the same time, it's critical for students to be able to apply their learning to situations and contexts that are unique or slightly different from those they experienced in the curriculum. Because ANet designs the content (items) on our math interims to reflect the standards themselves, our interims show a more objective view of how students are applying skills and concepts. Not only is this a helpful bridge to the demands of a state summative, but it's also what students will need to do when using math in their lives outside of school.
how to improve instructional practices
What data can I see?
We created myANet to empower educators to make instructional changes grounded in equity and equip teachers with a tool that works throughout the teaching and learning cycle. The myANet platform allows school leaders to aggregate data by a variety of groups, including: data meeting reports by math and ELA; individual student performance; school performance over time by grade, teacher, student; and more. Sign-up to get a demo of myANet and explore our tools and resources!
k12 Assessment Questions
Resources for Assessment Strategy
Explore resources to help you decide on ANet interim assessments.
k12 Assessment Resources
Begin to Assess Your Assessments
Pulse check your assessments with our free resource. Fill out the form to get access to your Math & ELA assessment resource.