Federal Funding for Education
A Guide to K-12 Education Funding
ANet's services are all targeted at the teaching and learning cycle, making ANet an easy partner for to use with a variety of federal funds and grants.

Federal Education Funding
ANet Applicable Services
We're here to match best practices with your practices. Explore commonly asked questions in funding and grant applications that show how ANet services can meet the requirements for your funding source.
- Job-embedded coaching: Our coaching support places a focus on tier 1 instruction and just-in-time, strategic support for students.
- Professional learning series: Our PL series options supports a variety of related topics, including Planning and Instruction with a Curriculum, in both literacy and math.
- Assessments & Tools: Our expanded assessment offerings and tools provide you with meaningful, reliable data that can be translated into high-impact instructional actions.
- District support: we offer support with evaluation, selection, and implementation of high-quality instructional materials.
- Job-embedded coaching: our coaching supports the use of high-quality materials toward identified instructional outcomes.
- Professional learning series: our PL series options supports a variety of related topics, including Planning and Instruction with a Curriculum, in both literacy and math.
- Job-embedded coaching: our coaching reinforces teaching and learning cycles, grounded in reflection and enabling individual and structural development.
- District support: we offer support with strengthening educational infrastructure while building adult knowledge and skills.
- Professional learning series: we support the strategy and execution of coherence, high-quality, sustained PL that leads to outcomes.
Includes three state-level reservations for activities and interventions that respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups. ANet partners have used ESSER funds for job-embedding coaching, professional learning, and district-level consulting and support services. Learn more about ESSER below:
- LEAs must spend at least 20 percent of their funds to address learning loss supporting “evidence-based interventions” that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs” and “address the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus” on marginalized student groups.
- Some allowable uses include any activity authorized by ESEA, IDEA, or the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act. Activities to address the unique needs of low- income students, children with disabilities, English language learners.
ESSER III Funds must be allocated by September 30, 2024!

ANet Pre-Approvals
Where is ANet an Approved Provider?
Click on the icons on the map to see where we are pre-approved providers! Don't see your state on the list? That's okay! We can always assist you in navigating different state-level and federal funding options.
Tucson Unified School District
Pre-approved for professional learning and job-embedded school-based coaching in the Tucson Unified School District.
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All LAUSD and FUSD Partners
Pre-approved for professional development work at both Los Angeles Unified School District and Fresno Unified School District. Eligible for job-embedded school-based coaching, and district-level support at Fresno Unified School District.
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Colorado Department of Education
Pre-approved for professional development, job-embedded school-based coaching, and district-level support through the Colorado Department of Education for any Colorado school.
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Delaware Department of Education
Pre-approved for professional development, job-embedded school-based coaching, and district-level support for all Delaware LEAs, including professional learning to provide acceleration support to students.
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Chicago Public Schools
Pre-approved for professional development, job-embedded school-based coaching, district-level support, and instructional tools and resources support through ANet interim assessments.
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Louisiana Department of Education
Pre-approved to provide ongoing training and instructional resources around high-quality instructional materials, and coaching services to support implementation in any Louisiana schools.
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Maryland Department of Education
Pre-approved for professional development, job-embedded school-based coaching, and district-level support with a specific focus on early literacy and the science of reading.
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Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Pre-approved for professional development support in all Massachusetts LEAs and job-embedded school-based coaching in all Massachusetts LEAs and non-public MA schools.
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Albuquerque Public Schools
Pre-approved for professional development support in Albuquerque Public Schools.
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New York City Department of Education
Pre-approved for professional development and job-embedded school-based coaching to all NYC Public School partners.
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Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Pre-approved for professional development, job-embedded school-based coaching, district-level support, and ANet interim assessments in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.
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Texas Education Agency
Vetted improvement partner (VIP) to provide job-embedded coaching, professional learning, and system-level services. Approved for the strong foundations program to provide district-level work.
Learn More About Our Texas Work
Title IV Funds
Title Funding
Explore how ANet services can be used with Title I, II, III, and IV Funding.
As one of the largest funding sources for public schools, Title I funding is commonly used for ANet services and products.
- Purpose of funding: to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
- Who's eligible: schools with 40 percent or more low-income students.
- What ANet services can be purchased with this funding:
- Job-Embedded Coaching
- Interim Assessments
- Professional Learning
- Purpose of funding: to provide students from low-income families and minority students with greater access to effective educators and to increase student achievement; improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
- Who's eligible: funds are awarded based on a formula that accounts for the number of school-aged children in the state and how many are from low-income families.
- What ANet services can be purchased with this funding:
- Job-Embedded Coaching
- Interim Assessments
- Professional Learning
- Purpose of funding: to provide grants and subgrants for English Language Acquisition and Language Enhancement.
- Who's eligible: the professional development provided by the school need not be limited to teachers and school leaders who teach exclusively to ELs.
- What ANet services can be purchased with this funding:
- Job-Embedded Coaching
- Interim Assessments
- Professional Learning for Teachers and Principals of English Language Learners (ELLs).
- Purpose of funding: to increase the capacity of states, LEAs, schools, and local communities to provide all students with access to a well-rounded education, improve school conditions for student learning, and improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
- Who's eligible: at least 85 percent of the funds for activities to support effective use of technology must be used to support professional learning. Funds must only be used to provide additional services, staff, programs, or materials that are not provided with state or local resources absent federal funds.
- What ANet services can be purchased with this funding:
- Job-Embedded Coaching
- Interim Assessments
- Professional Learning
federal funding for education
Competitive Grant Funding
Federal, state, and local funds are often distributed through competitive grants that LEAs must apply for. Applications have varying due dates and requirements–ANet is happy to support you throughout this process! Competitive grants relevant to ANet services include:
- School Improvement Grant (SIG)
- English Language Acquisition State Grants
- Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD)
- Several state or regional specific grants

Federal Education Funding
Contact Us!
Are you ready to learn more about using your competitive grant funding to support a partnership with ANet and access an integrated system that can support you in reaching your goals for your district, school, and students? Please reach out via the button below. We’ll contact you to answer questions and discuss next steps.