Implementing HQIM in schools

Put Your Materials to Work

Strong materials implementation combined with the context of your students’ unique needs is what results in improved student learning. We're here to support your selection, adoption, and implementation of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) in K-12 schools, districts, and systems. 

Support for HQIR adoption in schools

Materials Implementation with ANet

Our work is grounded in equity, helping schools and districts make data-driven, standards-aligned decisions to improve instruction and outcomes. Holistic materials implementation and equitable use of data to meet your students’ unique needs result in improved student learning.

Evaluate Your Materials

Use internal and external qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate your existing materials for relevancy, rigor, and meeting all students' needs.

Professional Learning

Select and engage in professional learning. This can include professional learning on the curriculum and/or surrounding the subject your HQIM features.

Build & Engage Your Team

Identify and convene staff members, parents, community members, students, and external partners needed to accomplish your evaluation, professional learning and implementation.

Implement Your Plan

Implement your new high-quality instructional materials. Set yourself up for success by setting up clear ways to observe, gather evidence on student impact, and collaborate. 

Evaluate Your Progress

With key collaborators, evaluate the progress made in implementation to see if the resources met initial goals, staff felt clear about material usage and observation, and students are seeing academic success.

Data-driven HQIM strategies in education

Why Partner with ANet for HQIM Implementation?

High-quality curricula, assessment, and instructional strategies work together to maximize student learning. Research shows that without a clear plan and consistent coaching, up to 70% of curriculum implementations fail. This is because adapting to new materials and methods is complex and needs ongoing support, not just initial training. Often, support for implementation is only focused on teachers, but it takes leadership in all spaces for the benefits of high-quality instructional materials to have an impact. ANet's focus on leadership development and ongoing implementation support sets ANet apart as the partner to help you achieve your goals.

Curricular Materials Implementation Support

Our Impact

ANet works diligently to support educational leaders in reaching their goals. After supporting Carlsbad, NM, to select, adopt, and implement a new, highly aligned curriculum:

belief in materials
The percentage of educators who believed their materials were high quality increased from 58% to 80%.
using curriculum
The percentage of teachers using the curriculum daily increased from 68% to 83%.
materials alignment
The percentage of teachers who believed their materials were aligned to state standards increased from 71% to 89%.

Comprehensive K-12 curriculum resources

Explore a Partnership

We align best practices with your practices. We’re here to support what you already do well and improve what you want to do better. And we embrace your state’s requirements to ensure that our work helps you hit your marks and meet standards—and exceed them.