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Math teachers target aspects of rigor at Gerena

Written by Achievement Network | Mar 29, 2017 4:00:00 AM

“Rigor” is on every math teacher’s mind these days, and for good reason. Rigorous teaching is key to improving student learning. 

Procedural Skill/Fluency Application
Word problems
Real-world scenarios
Multi-step problems

According to the Common Core, rigor requires us to balance students’ conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and ability to apply what they know to real-world situations.

At German Gerena Community School, an ANet partner in Springfield, MA, Math ILS Lindsey Lindequist developed an innovative approach to analyzing interim data that promotes rigorous teaching. 

The first step is to review the data reports available to partners on myANet to see how students performed on standards associated with particular aspects of rigor. Then, teachers preview the next interim assessment and have deep conversations about what instruction should look like to address those standards.

Lindsey also leverages collaboration time. In data meetings, she guides teachers to consider reteaching standards if the data reveals that students are still struggling with them. Later, in reflection meetings, teachers share their reteach results and the instructional strategies they found most effective, given the relevant aspects of rigor.

As a result of the team’s commitment to rigor, math teachers at Gerena are developing their expertise beyond procedural skills. Their rigorous practice means their students are better prepared for harder math in college and their careers.