There are a lot of assessment providers out there, and they all claim to provide high quality. But how do you really know?
“Assessment quality matters if you want insights that positively impact teaching and learning. Without it, you’re wasting the time and effort of teachers and students. ”
Determining the quality of an assessment requires a certain amount of expert knowledge and a lot of analysis. It involves weighing diverse considerations, including your purpose, alignment to standards, item types, fit with curriculum, reporting, and a variety of technical factors.
Help is available!
Fortunately, the Louisiana DOE stepped up to conduct the only transparent, comprehensive independent review of interim assessments and other curricular materials. You can learn a lot by reviewing their rubrics and the conclusions they’ve reached.
We’re proud that the LDOE found that our interims are among the few that merit their top rating of “Tier 1.”
Special features of ANet interims
Besides their expertise and professionalism, our team of assessment developers enjoys two unique advantages:
Constant feedback from our deep partnerships with schools
A laser-like focus on one purpose—informing instruction
As a result, our interims are full of special features that, our partners tell us, make them particularly instructionally useful.
Concerned about over-testing?
Download our new white paper on refining your assessment strategy.