Improving Student Achievement

ANet Works!

Through our rigorous internal evaluation method, we see clear evidence that ANet supports work in improving school wide performance on summative assessments.

an ANet coach standing and talking to a teacher sitting down at a table

Improving Student Achievement

ANet Partners are Outperforming Their Peers

In a rigorous comparison of like schools based on demographics and historical performance data, ANet students outperformed their peer group in both ELA and math on the 21-22 state summative assessments. More than half of ANet partners outperformed their matched comparison schools.

  • In a time when we are seeing historic lows in student math and ELA scores across the country, the majority of ANet partners made positive gains. In fact, 58% improved in ELA and 71% improved in Math. 

student sitting at a desk looking up

how to improve student achievement

ANet Gets Results!

Through multi-year studies, independent reviews, surveys, and focus groups, it's clear - ANet gets results for you and your students!

additional learning
ANet partners with the right basic conditions in place achieve 6 months of additional learning over 2 years.
Outperforming their peers
ANet students outperformed their peer group in both ELA (57.7%) and math (54.4%) on the 21-22 state summative assessments.
School and system leaders agree or strongly agree
Working with their ANet coach has supported them to take actions that positively impact student learning.

using data to improve student achievement

Breakthrough Results for Students

The multiyear, multilevel Breakthrough Results Study, supported by the Ballmer Group, demonstrates how much is possible in system and school improvement. Learning which changes have the most impact on instruction in a diverse set of districts yields a comprehensive overview of the journey of improvement across all levels of a district over several years. Educators across the country can now apply these learnings to their own school buildings and systems.

a breakthrough results staff member during a discussion at a professional learning session

How To Improve Student Achievement

Explore a Partnership

We align best practices with your practices. We’re here to support what you already do well and improve what you want to do better. And we embrace your state’s requirements to ensure that our work helps you hit your marks and meet standards—and exceed them.